The purpose of our Sunday Faith Formation program is to help parents in the faith formation of their children. Formation is education in the head and in the heart. This is what begins, or should begin, at home.
At O.L.P.H. a young person attends Sunday sessions for two years, in order to prepare for First Communion.
Candidates for Confirmation attend Sunday sessions for two years in order to be Confirmed.
The Religious Education program is every Sunday, beginning in September. The program ends in May.
On Sundays the classes are at 8:30 AM to 9:45 AM for students in 2nd through 11th grade Communion Sacrament Class.
Classes are at 11:30 AM till 12:45 PM for students in Grades 8 thru 12 Confirmation Sacrament Class.
Registration for the Religious Ed program starts in June. Our office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 10 to 11:45 am and 1:30 to 4:45 pm.
Office of Religious Education - OLPH Parish Center 5901 6th Avenue, Brooklyn 11220 718-439-1281
Director: Maritza Mejía
The Office is on the second floor of the Parish Centerl. It is on 6th Avnue between 59th & 60th Streets.
How to register a child or an adolescent for Religious Education at OLPH
Registration times are on this website, or you can call the Religious Education office at 718-439-1281.
When you register, you must bring with you the student’s baptism certificate and birth certificate.
Your family must be registered in OLPH parish. You can take care of this first at the rectory office, and then bring your new parish registration card to us.
There is a registration fee: $75 for one child, $105 for two, and $125 for three or more. This helps us provide learning materials during the year.
Please pay at least one half (50%) of this fee when you register your child; the rest can be paid later in the year.
Only parents or legal guardians can register a child.